Fabulous Fall Salad


3 cups baby greens
3 cups romaine lettuce
3/4 cup bing cherries (can substitute cranberries or craisin)
3/4 cup sliced dried figs (optional)
1 medium apple and pear, cubed into 1/2 inch pieces
3/4 cup glazed walnuts or almonds
4 oz gorgonzola or bleu cheese
sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste


1/2 cup Sparrow Lane Golden Balsamic Vinegar
1/2 cup Sparrow Lane Walnut Champagne Vinegar
1/4 cup Sparrow Lane Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Begin with greens; add apple, pear, and dried fruit. Top with nuts and cheese. Add salt & pepper, drizzle with vinegar and add oil last.